Installing PyPoE


Python 3.5+

The current version of PyPoE requires Python 3.5 and higher. It is recommended to use the latest python version.

The python commandline, the scripts from the script installation directory as well as pip should be accessible after this step from the command line of your Operating System.


  • Navigate to and download the latest version of Python
  • Install and follow the instructions on the installer
  • Make sure the python executable and the python scripts folder are located within your %PATH% environment variable


If Python is not in your %PATH% it can be manually added in your system control panel (System -> Advanced -> Envrionment Variables -> System Variables)


Generally python is included with most distributions and can be accessed as python3. It may be possible that your distribution uses an old package, in that case you may need to upgrade python or install from a custom upstream repo if it isn’t available.

Commands for some distributions:

  • Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install python3 python3-pip


After this step the git commandline should be accessible.


  • Navigate to and download the latest version of git
  • Make sure git is added to the %PATH% envrionment variable


  • Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install git

Qt4 (UI only, Linux only)


This step can be skipped on windows as QT is available in binary form from pip.


See for details.

It’s possible that for some reason some sphinx dependencies fail to install causing the compiling of pyside to fail. In that case you can try running:

  • pip install docutils jinja2 babel imagesize alabaster pygments

Downloading & Installing PyPoE


The installation instructions are currently aimed at the deveopment build as there is no stable release of PyPoE yet


On some Linux distributions the commands python and pip may link to either version 2 or 3 of python. It is recommended to check which version the distribution uses; on some distributions you can explicitly use python3 and pip3 instead of python and pip respectively.

Invoking PIP

To use the development install which allows editable you can specify -e on the commandline.

By default, PyPoE only installs the dependencies for the core (PyPoE.poe). However, there are additional packages available:

Package Description
cli Basic CLI support
cli-full Meta-Package for all CLI packages
dev Support for development utilities (documentation & testing)
ui Support for the graphical user interface
ui-extra Support for rendering DDS via OpenGL
ui-full Meta-Package for all UI packages
full Meta-Package for all packages (recommended)

The minimum installation would be:

pip install -e .

To install specific packages add them separated by a comma in brackets:

pip install -e .[ui,ui-extra]

For the full installation use:

pip install -e .[full]