Source code for PyPoE.poe.sim.formula


| Path     | PyPoE/poe/sim/                                         |
| Version  | 1.0.0a0                                                          |
| Revision | $Id: db9df107ffbe3149f2652c1059fae216594b2782 $                  |
| Author   | Omega_K2                                                         |


Formulas for calculating certain things.



.. todo::

  Find out the real function for calculating the stat requirement.


.. autoclass:: GemTypes

.. autofunction:: armour_damage_reduction

.. autofunction:: chance_to_hit

.. autofunction:: chance_to_evade

.. autofunction:: gem_stat_requirement
# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

# Python
from enum import Enum

# self
from PyPoE.shared.mixins import ReprMixin

# =============================================================================
# Globals
# =============================================================================

__all__ = ['GemTypes', 'gem_stat_requirement']

# =============================================================================
# Classes
# =============================================================================

[docs]class GemTypes(Enum): """ Attributes ---------- support Support Skill Gem active Active Skill Gem """ support = 1 active = 2
# ============================================================================= # Functions # =============================================================================
[docs]def armour_damage_reduction(armour, damage): """ Calculates the damage reduction from armour. .. note:: The final damage reduction may differ; there are other stats that can grant damage reduction and damage reduction is capped. Parameters ---------- armour : int Armour value of the defender damage : int Physical damage of the attacker's hit before mitigation Returns ------- int damage reduction factor """ return armour / (armour + 10 * damage)
[docs]def chance_to_hit(accuracy, evasion): """ Calculates the chance to hit for the given accuracy and evasion. Parameters ---------- accuracy : int Accuracy rating of the attacker evasion : int Evasion rating of the defender Returns ------- float chance to hit """ return accuracy / (accuracy + (evasion * 0.25) ** 0.8)
[docs]def chance_to_evade(accuracy, evasion): """ Calculates the chance to evade for the given accuracy and evasion. Parameters ---------- accuracy : int Accuracy rating of the attacker evasion : int Evasion rating of the defender Returns ------- float chance to evade """ return 1 - chance_to_hit(accuracy, evasion)
[docs]def gem_stat_requirement(level,, multi=100): """ Calculates and returns the stat requirement for the specified level requirement. The calculations vary depending on the gem type (i.e. active or support gem) and on the multiplier. Currently only multipliers of 100, 60 and 40 are supported. .. warning:: These functions are primarily reverse engineered and may break with updates. Generally, the gem stat requirements seem to be based on a linear function (i.e. f(x) = ax+b), however values are rounded. For the values a & b were calculated with linear regression, then sightly adjusted to produce the correct results for existing gems, but it may not be entirely accurate. In particular it seems strange that the formula changes depending on the multiplier; I haven't been able to figure out a single formula that works for all, so for the time being each multiplier comes with their own formula. Parameters ---------- level : int Level requirement for the current gem level gtype : GemTypes Type of the gem; i.e. or multi : int Stat multiplier, i.e. from SkillGems.dat Returns ------- int calculated stat requirement Raises ------ ValueError if multi is unsupported if gtype is invalid """ if gtype == b = 8 * multi / 100 if multi == 100: a = 2.1 # can't find a good a for 8 b = 7.75 elif multi == 60: a = 1.325 elif multi == 40: a = 0.924 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported multi '%s'" % multi) elif gtype == b = 6 * multi / 100 if multi == 100: a = 1.495 elif multi == 60: a = 0.945 # 1.575*0.6 elif multi == 40: a = 0.6575 # 1.64375 * 0.6 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported multi '%s'" % multi) else: raise ValueError("Invalid gtype '%s'. Valid types are:\n%s" % (gtype, GemTypes)) result = round(level*a+b) # Gems seem to have no requirements lower then 14 return 0 if result < 14 else result