Source code for PyPoE.poe.file.shared.cache


| Path     | PyPoE/poe/file/shared/                                   |
| Version  | 1.0.0a0                                                          |
| Revision | $Id: 5ea9fe7986eed9718fcd927eaa1d8ec1498edb24 $                  |
| Author   | Omega_K2                                                         |


All file caches classes will inherit :class:`AbstractFileCache`.

.. warning::
    None of the abstract classes found here should be instantiated directly.

See also:

* :mod:`PyPoE.poe.file.shared`
* :mod:`PyPoE.poe.file.shared.keyvalues`




.. autoclass:: AbstractFileCache

# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

# Python
import os

# 3rd-party

# self
from PyPoE.shared.mixins import ReprMixin
from PyPoE.poe.file.ggpk import GGPKFile

# =============================================================================
# Globals
# =============================================================================

__all__ = ['AbstractFileCache']

# =============================================================================
# Classes
# =============================================================================

[docs]class AbstractFileCache(ReprMixin): """ Attributes ---------- '_ggpk' : GGPKFile '_path' : str 'files' : dict[str, AbstractFileReadOnly] Dictionary of loaded file instances and their related path """ FILE_TYPE = None
[docs] def __init__(self, path_or_ggpk=None, files=None, files_shortcut=True, instance_options=None, read_options=None): """ Parameters ---------- path_or_ggpk : str | GGPKFile The root path (i.e. relative to content.ggpk) where the files are stored or a :class:`PyPoE.poe.file.ggpk.GGPKFile` instance files : Iterable Iterable of files that will be loaded right away files_shortcut : bool Whether to use the shortcut function, i.e. self.__getitem__ instance_options : dict[str, object] options to pass to the file's __init__ method read_options : dict[str, object] options to pass to the file instance's read method Raises ------ TypeError if path_or_ggpk not specified or invalid type ValueError if a :class:`PyPoE.poe.file.ggpk.GGPKFile` was passed, but it was not parsed """ if isinstance(path_or_ggpk, GGPKFile): if not path_or_ggpk.is_parsed: raise ValueError('The GGPK File must be parsed.') self._ggpk = path_or_ggpk self._path = None elif isinstance(path_or_ggpk, str): self._ggpk = None self._path = path_or_ggpk else: raise TypeError( 'path_or_ggpk must be a valid directory or GGPKFile' ) self.instance_options = {} if instance_options is None else \ instance_options self.read_options = {} if read_options is None else read_options self.files = {} read_func = self.__getitem__ if files_shortcut else self.get_file if files is not None: for file in files: read_func(file)
def __getitem__(self, item): """ Shortcut. Equivalent: * AbstractFileCache[item] <==> AbstractFileCache.read_file(item) Parameters ---------- item : str item to retrieve Returns ------- AbstractFileReadOnly instance """ return self.get_file(item)
[docs] def _get_file_instance_args(self, file_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the file's __init__ method upon initial reading. Parameters ---------- file_name : str Name of the file Returns ------- dict[str, object] Dictionary of keyword arguments """ options = dict(self.instance_options) return options
[docs] def _get_read_args(self, file_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the file's read method upon initial reading. In particular it sets file_path_or_raw based on how the cache was instantiated. Parameters ---------- file_name : str Name of the file Returns ------- dict[str, object] Dictionary of keyword arguments """ options = dict(self.read_options) if self._ggpk: options['file_path_or_raw'] = self._ggpk[file_name].record.extract() elif self._path: options['file_path_or_raw'] = os.path.join(self._path, file_name) return options
[docs] def _create_instance(self, file_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a new instance for the given file name Parameters ---------- file_name : str Name to the file to pass on Returns ------- File instance """ f = self.FILE_TYPE( **self._get_file_instance_args(file_name=file_name, *args, **kwargs) )**self._get_read_args(file_name=file_name, *args, **kwargs)) return f
[docs] def get_file(self, file_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the the specified file from the cache. If the file does not exist, read it from the path specified on cache creation, add it to the cache and then return it. Parameters ---------- file_name : str File to retrieve Returns ------- AbstractFileReadOnly read file instance """ if file_name not in self.files: f = self._create_instance(file_name=file_name) self.files[file_name] = f else: f = self.files[file_name] return f
@property def path_or_ggpk(self): """ The path or :class:`PyPoE.poe.file.ggpk.GGPKFile` instance the cache was created with """ return self._path or self._ggpk