Source code for PyPoE.poe.file.ot


| Path     | PyPoE/poe/file/                                             |
| Version  | 1.0.0a0                                                          |
| Revision | $Id: 12159b88f87b69718fce413a4f2835dea306be2d $                  |
| Author   | Omega_K2                                                         |


Support for .ot file format.

.ot file seem to be generally used for server-side settings related to abstract

Generally make sure to consider the context of the file when interpreting the
contents; there is a chance they're extended or embedded though .dat files and
the key/value pairs found are in relevance to the context.

Usually they're accompanied by .otc files which handle client-side settings.

See also:

* :mod:`PyPoE.poe.file.otc`
* :mod:`PyPoE.poe.file.dat`




.. autoclass:: OTFile
    :exclude-members: clear, copy, default_factory, fromkeys, get, items, keys, pop, popitem, setdefault, update, values

.. autoclass:: OTFileCache


# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

# Python

# 3rd-party

# self
from PyPoE.shared.decorators import doc
from PyPoE.poe.file.shared.keyvalues import *

# =============================================================================
# Globals
# =============================================================================

__all__ = ['OTFile', 'OTFileCache']

# =============================================================================
# Classes
# =============================================================================

class ActionKeyValueSection(AbstractKeyValueSection):
    NAME = 'Actor'

class AnimatedKeyValueSection(AbstractKeyValueSection):
    NAME = 'Animated'

class BaseKeyValueSection(AbstractKeyValueSection):
    NAME = 'Base'
    ORDERED_HASH_KEYS = {'tag'}

class ModsKeyValueSection(AbstractKeyValueSection):
    NAME = 'Mods'
    ORDERED_HASH_KEYS = {'enable_rarity'}

class PathfindingKeyValueSection(AbstractKeyValueSection):
    NAME = 'Pathfinding'

class PositionedKeyValueSection(AbstractKeyValueSection):
    NAME = 'Positioned'

class SocketsKeyValueSection(AbstractKeyValueSection):
    NAME = 'Sockets'

class StatsKeyValueSection(AbstractKeyValueSection):
    NAME = 'Stats'

[docs]@doc(append=AbstractKeyValueFile) class OTFile(AbstractKeyValueFile): """ Representation of a .ot file. """ SECTIONS = dict((s.NAME, s) for s in [ ActionKeyValueSection, AnimatedKeyValueSection, BaseKeyValueSection, ModsKeyValueSection, PathfindingKeyValueSection, PositionedKeyValueSection, SocketsKeyValueSection, StatsKeyValueSection, ]) EXTENSION = '.ot' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OTFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@doc(append=AbstractKeyValueFileCache) class OTFileCache(AbstractKeyValueFileCache): """ Cache for OTFile instances. """ FILE_TYPE = OTFile