Source code for PyPoE.poe.file.idl


| Path     | PyPoE/poe/file/                                            |
| Version  | 1.0.0a0                                                          |
| Revision | $Id: c07c9b1426992f0f5c158159010c42aa5de3afa5 $                  |
| Author   | Omega_K2                                                         |


File Format handler for Grinding Gear Games' .idl format.

.idl files are used to link multiple virtual texture out of single image file.




Public API

.. autoclass:: IDLFile

.. autoclass:: IDLRecord


# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

# Python
import codecs
import re

# self
from PyPoE.poe.file.shared import AbstractFile
from PyPoE.shared.containers import Record, TypedList, TypedContainerMeta

# =============================================================================
# Globals
# =============================================================================

__all__ = ['IDLRecord', 'IDLFile']

# =============================================================================
# Classes
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[docs]class IDLRecord(Record): """ Attributes ---------- destination : str destination file (virtual path) source : str source image file (path relative to content.ggpk) x1 : int Upper left x coordinate y1 : int Upper left y coordinate x2 : int Lower right x coordinate y2 : int Lower right y coordinate """ __slots__ = ['destination', 'source', 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2']
[docs] def __init__(self, destination, source, x1, y1, x2, y2): """ Creates a new IDLRecord instance. The coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) can be understood as the upper left and lower right corner of a bounding rectangle respectively. Parameters ---------- destination : str destination file (virtual path) source : str source image file (path relative to content.ggpk) x1 : int Upper left x coordinate y1 : int Upper left y coordinate x2 : int Lower right x coordinate y2 : int Lower right y coordinate """ self.destination = destination self.source = source self.x1 = int(x1) self.y1 = int(y1) self.x2 = int(x2) self.y2 = int(y2)
def __str__(self): return '"%s" "%s" %i %i %i %i' % ( self.destination, self.source, self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2, ) @property def w(self): """ Returns ------- int width """ return self.x2 - self.x1 @property def h(self): """ Returns ------- int height """ return self.y2 - self.y1
[docs]class IDLFile(AbstractFile, TypedList, metaclass=TypedContainerMeta): """ Encapsulated in-memory representation of .idl files. Since .idl files basically act as list of :class:`IDLRecord` instances IDLFile also acts as a list, i.e. it supports the regular list interface. However, added items may only be a :class:`IDLRecord` """ ACCEPTED_TYPES = IDLRecord EXTENSION = '.idl' _regex_parse = re.compile( r'^' r'"(?P<destination>[\w\./_]+)"[ ]+' r'"(?P<source>[\w\./_]+)"[ ]+' r'(?P<x1>[0-9]+)[ ]+' r'(?P<y1>[0-9]+)[ ]+' r'(?P<x2>[0-9]+)[ ]+' r'(?P<y2>[0-9]+)[ ]*' r'$', re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE ) def __init__(self): AbstractFile.__init__(self) TypedList.__init__(self) def _read(self, buffer, *args, **kwargs): # Reset TypedList.__init__(self) data ='utf-16') for match in self._regex_parse.finditer(data): self.append(IDLRecord(**match.groupdict())) def _write(self, buffer, *args, **kwargs): lines = [] for record in self: lines.append(str(record)) lines.append('\n') buffer.write(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE + ''.join(lines).encode('utf-16_le'))
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Returns ------- dict[str, IDLRecord] Lookup dictionary mapping the destinations to the records """ return {record.destination: record for record in self}