Source code for PyPoE.poe.file.ggpk


| Path     | PyPoE/poe/file/                                           |
| Version  | 1.0.0a0                                                          |
| Revision | $Id: a3c76dfa17ccf43550a5e2ae1195a891d050c6a3 $                  |
| Author   | Omega_K2                                                         |


Support for reading .ggpk files.

A .ggpk file, namely content.ggpk, is a container containing a virtual directory
and file contents. It is basically just packing the files together without




Public API

.. autoclass:: GGPKFile

    .. automethod:: __getitem__

.. autofunction:: extract_dds

Internal API

.. autoclass:: DirectoryNode

    .. automethod:: __getitem__


.. autoclass:: GGPKRecord

.. autoclass:: DirectoryRecord

.. autoclass:: FileRecord

.. autoclass:: FreeRecord


.. autoclass:: BaseRecord

.. autoclass:: MixinRecord

.. autoclass:: DirectoryRecordEntry

# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

# Python
import io
import struct
import os
import re

# 3rd Party
import brotli

# self
from PyPoE.shared import InheritedDocStringsMeta
from PyPoE.shared.decorators import doc
from PyPoE.shared.mixins import ReprMixin
from PyPoE.poe.file.shared import AbstractFileReadOnly, ParserError

# =============================================================================
# Globals
# =============================================================================

__all__ = ['GGPKFile']

# =============================================================================
# Functions
# =============================================================================

[docs]def extract_dds(data, path_or_ggpk=None): """ Attempts to extract a .dds from the given data bytes. .dds files in the content.ggpk may be compressed with brotli or may be a reference to another .dds file. This function will take of those kind of files accordingly and try to return a file instead. If any problems arise an error will be raised instead. Parameters ---------- data : bytes The raw data to extract the dds from. path_or_ggpk : str or GGPKFile A str containing the path where the extracted content.ggpk is located or an :class:`GGPKFile` instance Returns ------- bytes the uncompressed, dereferenced .dds file data Raises ------- ValueError If the file data contains a reference, but path_or_ggpk is not specified TypeError If the file data contains a reference, but path_or_ggpk is of invalid type (i.e. not str or :class:`GGPKFile` ParserError If the uncompressed size does not match the size in the header brotli.error If whatever bytes were read were not brotli compressed """ # Already a DDS file, so return it if data[:4] == b'DDS ': return data # Is this a reference? elif data[:1] == b'*': path = data[1:].decode() if path_or_ggpk is None: raise ValueError( '.dds file is a reference, but path_or_ggpk is not specified.' ) elif isinstance(path_or_ggpk, GGPKFile): data =[path].record.extract().read() elif isinstance(path_or_ggpk, str): with open(os.path.join(path_or_ggpk, path), 'rb') as f: data = else: raise TypeError( 'path_or_ggpk has an invalid type "%s" %' % type(path_or_ggpk) ) return extract_dds( data, path_or_ggpk=path_or_ggpk, ) else: size = int.from_bytes(data[:4], 'little') dec = brotli.decompress(data[4:]) if len(dec) != size: raise ParserError( 'Decompressed size does not match size in the header' ) return dec
# ============================================================================= # Classes # =============================================================================
[docs]class BaseRecord(ReprMixin): """ Attributes ---------- _container : GGPKFile Parent GGPKFile length : int Length offset : int Starting offset in ggpk """ tag = None __slots__ = ['_container', 'length', 'offset'] def __init__(self, container, length, offset): self._container = container self.length = length self.offset = offset
[docs] def read(self, ggpkfile): """ Read this record's header for the given GGPKFile instance. Parameters ---------- ggpkfile : GGPKFile GGPKFile instance """ pass
[docs] def write(self, ggpkfile): """ Write this record's header for the given GGPKFile instance. Parameters ---------- ggpkfile : GGPKFile GGPKFile instance """ ggpkfile.write(struct.pack('<i', self.length)) ggpkfile.write(self.tag)
[docs]class MixinRecord(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MixinRecord, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._name = '' self._name_length = 0 @property def name(self): """ Returns and sets the name of the file If setting, it also takes care of adjusting name_length accordingly. Returns name of the file. Returns ------- str name of the file """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): self._name = name # Account for null bytes self._name_length = len(name) + 1
[docs]@doc(append=BaseRecord) class GGPKRecord(BaseRecord): """ The GGPKRecord is the master record of the file; it always contains two entries. First is the root directory, 2nd is a FreeRecord. Attributes ---------- offsets : list[int] List of offsets for records """ tag = 'GGPK' __slots__ = BaseRecord.__slots__.copy() + ['offsets']
[docs] @doc( def read(self, ggpkfile): # Should be 2, TODO? records = struct.unpack('<i',[0] self.offsets = [] for i in range(0, records): self.offsets.append(struct.unpack('<q',[0])
[docs] @doc(doc=BaseRecord.write) def write(self, ggpkfile): # Write length & tag super(GGPKRecord, self).write(ggpkfile) # Should always be 2 ggpkfile.write(struct.pack('<i', 2)) for i in range(0, len(offsets)): ggpkfile.write(struct.unpack('<q', offsets[i]))
[docs]class DirectoryRecordEntry(ReprMixin): """ Attributes ---------- hash : int murmur2 32bit hash offset : int offset in :class:`GGPKFile` """
[docs] def __init__(self, hash, offset): """ Parameters ---------- hash : int murmur2 32bit hash offset : int offset in GGPKFile """ self.hash = hash self.offset = offset
[docs]@doc(append=BaseRecord) class DirectoryRecord(MixinRecord, BaseRecord): """ Represents a directory in the virtual :class:`GGPKFile` file tree. Attributes ---------- _name : str Name of directory _name_length : int Length of name _entries_length : int Number of directory entries hash : int SHA256 hash of file contents """ tag = 'PDIR' __slots__ = BaseRecord.__slots__.copy() + ['_name', '_name_length', 'entries_length', 'hash', 'entries'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DirectoryRecord, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @doc( def read(self, ggpkfile): self._name_length = struct.unpack('<i',[0] self.entries_length = struct.unpack('<i',[0] self.hash = int.from_bytes(, 'big') # UTF-16 2-byte width self._name = * (self._name_length - 1)).decode('UTF-16_LE') # Null Termination, os.SEEK_CUR) self.entries = [] for i in range(0, self.entries_length): self.entries.append(DirectoryRecordEntry( hash=struct.unpack('<I',[0], offset=struct.unpack('<q',[0], ))
[docs] @doc(doc=BaseRecord.write) def write(self, ggpkfile): # Error Checking & variable preparation if len(self.hash) != 32: raise ValueError('Hash must be 32 bytes, was %s bytes' % len(self.hash)) if len(self.entries) != self.entries_length: raise ValueError('Numbers of entries must match with length') name_str = self._name.encode('UTF-16') # Write length & tag super(DirectoryRecord, self).write(ggpkfile) ggpkfile.write(struct.pack('<i', self._name_length)) ggpkfile.write(struct.pack('<i', self.entries_length)) # Fixed 32-bytes ggpkfile.write(self.hash) ggpkfile.write(name_str) ggpkfile.write(struct.pack('<h', 0)) # TODO: len(self.entries) for entry in self.entries: ggpkfile.write(struct.pack('<i', entry.hash)) ggpkfile.write(struct.pack('<q', entry.offset))
[docs]@doc(append=BaseRecord) class FileRecord(MixinRecord, BaseRecord): """ Represents a file in the virtual :class:`GGPKFile` file tree. Attributes ---------- _name : str Name of file _name_length : int Length of name hash : int SHA256 hash of file contents data_start : int starting offset of data data_length : int length of data """ tag = 'FILE' __slots__ = BaseRecord.__slots__.copy() + ['_name', '_name_length', 'hash', 'data_start', 'data_length'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FileRecord, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def extract(self, buffer=None): """ Extracts this file contents into a memory file object. Parameters ---------- buffer : io.Bytes or None GGPKFile Buffer to use; if None, open the parent GGPKFile and use it as buffer. Returns ------- io.BytesIO memory file buffer object """ if buffer is None: return self._container.get_read_buffer( self._container._file_path_or_raw, self.extract, ) # The buffer object is taken care of in get_read_buffer if it's a file memfile = io.BytesIO() memfile.write( # Set the pointer to the beginning return memfile
[docs] def extract_to(self, directory, name=None): """ Extracts the file to the given directory. Parameters ---------- directory : str the directory to extract the file to name : str or None the name of the file; if None use the file name as in the record. """ name = self._name if name is None else name path = os.path.join(directory, name) with open(path, 'bw') as exfile: # TODO Mem leak? exfile.write(self.extract().read())
[docs] @doc( def read(self, ggpkfile): self._name_length = struct.unpack('<i',[0] self.hash = int.from_bytes(, 'big') # UTF-16 2-byte width self._name = * (self._name_length - 1)).decode('UTF-16') # Null Termination, os.SEEK_CUR) self.data_start = ggpkfile.tell() # Length 4B - Tag 4B - STRLen 4B - Hash 32B + STR ?B self.data_length = self.length - 44 - self._name_length * 2, os.SEEK_CUR)
[docs] @doc(doc=BaseRecord.write) def write(self, ggpkfile): # Error checking & variable preparation first if len(self.hash) != 32: raise ValueError('Hash must be 32 bytes, was %s bytes' % len(self.hash)) name_str = self._name.encode('UTF-16') # Write length & tag super(FileRecord, self).write(ggpkfile) ggpkfile.write(struct.pack('<i', self._name_length)) # Fixed 32-bytes ggpkfile.write(self.hash) ggpkfile.write(name_str) ggpkfile.write(struct.pack('<h', 0))
#TODO: Write File Contents here?
[docs]@doc(append=BaseRecord) class FreeRecord(BaseRecord): """ Attributes ---------- next_free : int offset of next :class:`FreeRecord` """ tag = 'FREE' __slots__ = BaseRecord.__slots__.copy() + ['next_free']
[docs] @doc( def read(self, ggpkfile): self.next_free = struct.unpack('<q',[0] -16, os.SEEK_CUR)
[docs] @doc(doc=BaseRecord.write) def write(self, ggpkfile): # Write length & tag super(FreeRecord, self).write(ggpkfile) ggpkfile.write(struct.pack('<q', self.next_free))
[docs]class DirectoryNode(object): """ Attributes ---------- children : list[DirectoryNode] list of parent :class:`DirectoryNode` instances (i.e. files and directories) parent : DirectoryNode parent :class:`DirectoryNode` or None if this is the root node record : :class:`DirectoryRecord` or :class:`FileRecord` associated record hash : str some kind of hash the game uses """ __slots__ = ['children', 'parent', 'record', 'hash'] def __init__(self, record, hash, parent): self.children = [] self.parent = parent self.record = record self.hash = hash
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """ Return the the specified file or directory path. The path will accept valid paths for the current operating system, however I suggest using forward slashes ( / ) as they are supported on both Windows and Linux. Since the each node supports the same syntax, all these calls are equivalent: .. code-block:: python self['directory1']['directory2']['file.ext'] self['directory1']['directory2/file.ext'] self['directory1/directory2']['file.ext'] self['directory1/directory2/file.ext'] Parameters ---------- item : str file path or file name Returns ------- DirectoryNode returns the :class:`DirectoryNode` of the specified item Raises ------ FileNotFoundError if the specified item is not found """ path = [] partial = item while partial: partial, result = os.path.split(partial) path.insert(0, result) obj = self while True: try: partial = path.pop(0) except IndexError: return obj for child in obj.children: if == partial: obj = child break else: raise FileNotFoundError('%s/%s not found' % ( self.get_path(), item ))
@property def directories(self): """ Returns a list of nodes which belong to directories Returns ------- list[DirectoryNode] list of :class:`DirectoryNode` instances which contain a :class:`DirectoryRecord` """ return [node for node in self.children if isinstance(node.record, DirectoryRecord)] @property def files(self): """ Returns a list of nodes which belong to files Returns ------- list[DirectoryNode] list of :class:`DirectoryNode` instances which contain a :class:`FileRecord` """ return [node for node in self.children if isinstance(node.record, FileRecord)] @property def name(self): """ Returns the name associated with the stored record. Returns ------- str name of the file/directory """ return if else 'ROOT'
[docs] def search(self, regex, search_files=True, search_directories=True): """ Parameters ---------- regex : re.compile() compiled regular expression to use search_files : bool Whether :class:`FileRecord` instances should be searched search_directories : bool Whether :class:`DirectoryRecord` instances should be searched Returns ------- list[DirectoryNode] List of matching :class:`DirectoryNode` instances """ if isinstance(regex, str): regex = re.compile(regex) nodes = [] #func = lambda n: nodes.append(n) if, else None #self.walk(func) q = [] q.append(self) while len(q) > 0: node = q.pop() if ((search_files and isinstance(node.record, FileRecord) or search_directories and isinstance(node.record, DirectoryRecord)) and, nodes.append(node) for child in node.children: q.append(child) return nodes
[docs] def get_path(self): """ Returns the full path Returns ------- str Full path """ return '/'.join([ for n in self.get_parent(make_list=True)])
[docs] def get_parent(self, n=-1, stop_at=None, make_list=False): """ Gets the n-th parent or returns root parent if at top level. Negative values for n will iterate until the root is found. If the make_list keyword is set to True, a list of Nodes in the following form will be returned: [n-th parent, (n-1)-th parent, ..., self] Parameters ---------- n : int Up to which depth to go to. stop_at : DirectoryNode or None :class:`DirectoryNode` instance to stop the iteration at make_list : bool Return a list of :class:`DirectoryNode` instances instead of parent Returns ------- DirectoryNode Returns parent or root :class:`DirectoryNode` instance """ nodes = [] node = self while (n != 0): if node.parent is None: break if node is stop_at: break if make_list: nodes.insert(0, node) node = node.parent n -= 1 return nodes if make_list else node
[docs] def walk(self, function): """ .. todo:: function = None -> generator like os.walk (dir, [dirs], [files]) Walks over the nodes and it's sub nodes and executes the specified function. The function will be called with the following dictionary arguments: * node - :class:`DirectoryNode` * depth - Depth Parameters ---------- function : callable function to call when walking """ q = [] q.append({'node': self, 'depth': 0}) while len(q) > 0: data = q.pop() function(**data) for child in data['node'].children: q.append({'node': child, 'depth': data['depth']+1}) """for child in self.children: function(child) child.walk(function)"""
[docs] def extract_to(self, target_directory): """ Extracts the node and its contents (including sub-directories) to the specified target directory. Parameters ---------- target_directory : str Path to directory where to extract to. """ if isinstance(self.record, DirectoryRecord): dir_path = os.path.join(target_directory, if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.mkdir(dir_path) for node in self.children: if isinstance(node.record, FileRecord): node.record.extract_to(dir_path) elif isinstance(node.record, DirectoryRecord): node.extract_to(dir_path) else: self.record.extract_to(target_directory)
[docs]class GGPKFile(AbstractFileReadOnly, metaclass=InheritedDocStringsMeta): """ Representation of a .ggpk file. Attributes ---------- directory : DirectoryNode root :class:`DirectoryNode` instance records : dict[int, BaseRecord] mapping of offset -> record instances """ EXTENSION = '.ggpk'
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): AbstractFileReadOnly.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) = None self.records = {}
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """ Returns the specified node for the specified file path Parameters ---------- item : str file path Returns ------- DirectoryNode the :class:`DirectoryNode` instance if found Raises ------ ValueError if directory is not build FileNotFoundError if file was not found See Also -------- DirectoryNode.__getitem__ """ if is None: raise ValueError('Directory not build') if item == 'ROOT': return return[item]
# # Properties # def _is_parsed(self): """ Whether the directory has been built. Returns ------- bool """ return is not None is_parsed = property(fget=_is_parsed) # # Private # def _read_record(self, records, ggpkfile, offset): length = struct.unpack('<i',[0] tag ='ascii') '''for recordcls in recordsc: if recordcls.tag == tag: break record = recordcls(self, length, offset)''' if tag == 'FILE': record = FileRecord(self, length, offset) elif tag == 'FREE': record = FreeRecord(self, length, offset) elif tag == 'PDIR': record = DirectoryRecord(self, length, offset) elif tag == 'GGPK': record = GGPKRecord(self, length, offset) else: raise ValueError() records[offset] = record
[docs] def diff(self, other_ggpk, out_file=None): """ Creates a list of file paths that differ between this GGPKFile instance and another GGPKFile instance. This will take into account new, deleted and changed files. Optionally writes this list to the specified out_file Parameters ---------- other_ggpk : GGPKFile Other parsed GGPKFile instance to compare against out_file : str or None File to optionally write the output to. Returns ------- list[str] List of new file paths list[str] List of deleted file paths list[str] List of changed file paths (different hash) Raises ------ TypeError if other_ggpk is not a GGPKFile instance ValueError if any of the GGPKFile instances are not parsed ValueError if any of the GGPKFile instances do not have their directory build """ if not isinstance(other_ggpk, GGPKFile): raise TypeError('other_ggpk must a parsed GGPK file instance') if not self.is_parsed or not other_ggpk.is_parsed: raise ValueError('Both ggpk files must be parsed and have their ' 'directory build.') data = [{'ggpk': self}, {'ggpk': other_ggpk}] for gdict in data: gdict['files'] = {} def add_file(node, depth): if not isinstance(node.record, FileRecord): return gdict['files'][node.get_path()] = node.record.hash gdict['ggpk'].directory.walk(add_file) gdict['set'] = set(gdict['files'].keys()) new_files = sorted(list(data[0]['set'].difference(data[1]['set']))) deleted_files = sorted(list(data[1]['set'].difference(data[0]['set']))) changed_files = [] for fn in sorted(list(data[0]['set'].union(data[1]['set']))): try: if data[0]['files'][fn] != data[1]['files'][fn]: changed_files.append(fn) except KeyError: pass if out_file: with open(out_file, 'w') as f: f.write('Diff between two ggpk files\n') f.write('\n') for header, k in ( ('New files', new_files), ('Removed files', deleted_files), ('Changed files', changed_files), ): f.write('\n') f.write('='*80) f.write('\n') f.write(header) f.write('\n\n') for fn in k: f.write(fn) f.write('\n') return new_files, deleted_files, changed_files
[docs] def directory_build(self, parent=None): """ Rebuilds the directory or the specified :class:`DirectoryNode` If the root directory is rebuild it will be stored in the directory object variable. Parameters ---------- parent : :class:`DirectoryNode` or None parent :class:`DirectoryNode`. If None generate the root directory Returns ------- DirectoryNode Returns the parent node or the root node if parent was None Raises ------ ParserError if performed without calling .read() first if offsets pointing to records types which are not :class:`FileRecord` or :class:`DirectoryRecord` """ if not self.records: raise ParserError('No records - perform .read() first') # Build Root directory if parent is None: ggpkrecord = self.records[0] for offset in ggpkrecord.offsets: record = self.records[offset] if isinstance(record, DirectoryRecord): break if not isinstance(record, DirectoryRecord): raise ParserError('GGPKRecord does not contain a DirectoryRecord,\ got %s' % type(record)) root = DirectoryNode(record, None, None) = root else: root = parent l = [] for entry in root.record.entries: l.append((entry.offset, entry.hash, root)) try: while True: offset, hash, parent = l.pop() record = self.records[offset] node = DirectoryNode(record, hash, parent) parent.children.append(node) if isinstance(record, DirectoryRecord): for entry in record.entries: l.append((entry.offset, entry.hash, node)) except IndexError: pass return root
def _read(self, buffer, *args, **kwargs): """ Reads the records from the file into object.records. """ records = {} offset = 0 size =, os.SEEK_END) # Reset Pointer, os.SEEK_SET) while offset < size: self._read_record( records=records, ggpkfile=buffer, offset=offset, ) offset = buffer.tell() self.records = records
[docs] @doc( def read(self, file_path_or_raw, *args, **kwargs): super(GGPKFile, self).read(file_path_or_raw, *args, **kwargs) self._file_path_or_raw = file_path_or_raw
[docs] @doc(doc=extract_dds) def extract_dds(self, data, path_or_ggpk=None): return extract_dds(data, path_or_ggpk=path_or_ggpk or self)
if __name__ == '__main__': import cProfile from line_profiler import LineProfiler profiler = LineProfiler() '''profiler.add_function( profiler.add_function(GGPKFile._read_record) for record in recordsc: profiler.add_function(''' ggpk = GGPKFile()'C:\Games\Path of Exile\Content.ggpk') ggpk.directory_build() print(ggpk['Metadata/Items/Rings/AbstractRing.ot'].get_path())"") #profiler.add_function(GGPKFile.directory_build) #profiler.add_function(DirectoryNode.__init__)"ggpk.directory_build()")[2].extract_to('N:/') profiler.print_stats()